Projects of
Culinary Gourmet 360º

in portugalia group, our restaurants Trindade and Ribadouro, the Executive Chef of Culinary Gourmet Jose Antonio Cuñat Martin made a positive work on optimization of work processes and costs, meeting our quality standards.
-Mrs. Sílvia Almeida Grilo
(Service & Purchase Manager / Inovation & Development)
Portugália Restauração S.A.
Rua de S. Caetano nº 4,
1249 - 132 Lisboa

The Culinary Gourmet firm - Services Consulting has developed a project for Uniself Group, to the area of Public Catering, Restaurant in particulary in The Restaurant Vitaminas e Savores with success.
- Mr. Mateus da Silva Alves
(Chairman of the Board)
Vitaminas & Sabores
Av. Duque de Ávila 45A,
1000-169 Lisboa

Culinary Gourmet performs also development in the area of Social Restoration, catering area (our Uniself Factory) product for the Restoration Public and Private, pasteurized and frozen dishes.
The Company Culinary Gourmet has shown a good performance, in particular its President Mr. Jose Antonio Martin Cuñat.
- Mr. Mateus da Silva Alves
(Chairman of the Board)
Parque Industrial do Arneiro
Rua Cidade de Lisboa, Nº 8
2660 - 456 S. Julião do Tojal

Culinary Gourmet Consulting has made a work of analysis of the gastronomic offer which we have available to our clients, as well as the cooking processes, purchase and preparation/training of the staff of Hotel Carmen in Granada obtaining the maximum quality and efficiency.
The personal and professional relationship with Culinary Gourmet was excellent and recommended to companies in this area due to its wide experience in the hotels and restaurants and gastronomy sector.
- Sr. Jose Ignacio Raposo Benito.
(Geral Manager)
Hotel Carmen****
In the heart of Granada
Acera de Darro, 62

We express our appreciation for the excellent work done by the team of consultants of Culinary Gourmet Consulting, in the examination of all the internal controls related to the Operational areas. The contributions made by the team members will be of great value for the improvement of the work processes that are being used.
Please, kindly convey our congratulations to Mr. Jose antonio cuñat martin director general for the project.
-Sra. Daina Egle
(Director General)
Benidorm Blue Beach Hostel
Antonio Ramos Carratalá 1
03501 Benidorm

We express our gratitude to Mr. Jose Antonio Martin Cuñat who developed this company, where as executive director in the Department of restaurants of central kitchen and chain developed our letter and insurance as 4P of our new restaurants. As well as in the development of the production program of our central kitchen restoration so weight.
On these projects has always shown a good adaptation to the new work processes of restoration of weight mode and hospitality always engaged in their tasks, creating an excellent relationship with customers. He was always respectful and cooperative for the success of the team that was inserted, properly carry out his duties with loyalty to the company.
-SO PESO restaurante y hotel, S.A.
(La Gerencia)
NAC Avenue, GEC Tiendas 05:06 Marl,
Coloque Quintanilha 2660-421
S. JULIÂO do Tojal